The following photographer was recommended to me by a common Facebook friend. So I started to follow her there and on Instagram and I liked what I saw. That’s why I asked her to reply to my artist interview and here we go:

Please introduce yourself:
Heike Rost – photographer, writer, author. Addicted to arts, books, photography, architecture. Eager for knowledge. Eager to learn. Addicted also to seeing, discovering, exploring: Life is always an interesting place.
What is your definition of art?
Art is always about sharing personal perceptions and observations. It’s not about technical aspects, but about life, which is – at the end of each day – the only thing that matters.
Art (no matter if paintings, sculpture, archicture, photography or something else) is a result of this attitude.
Why have you become an artist?
See above: I’m always eager to see, to discover, to feel, know and explore – mostly life. My work, my photographs are the result.
What is your favourite artwork of your own and why?
I’m fascinated by people. Portraiture – no matter if in street photography, portrait photography or reports are my main topic. Besides: Landscapes, abstracts, architecture. I don’t think in terms of categories – personally, I consider a landscape photo also as a portrait … of a region or of a delightful perspective, a beautiful moment.
Why? I’m interested in „the story behind“. And I’m definitely not interested in any traditional definitions of beauty, role models or else. I’m sure that everybody (also in the sense of every body) is beautiful – in his or her own, special way.
You just have to see it. It’s that simple. (Occasionally, learning to see needs a long time though.)
How do you work?
Very focused and concentrated at a time. With the most of respect, affection, regard I can give.
Additionally, I don’t „take“ photos. I make them – with a maximum of appreciation for the person or the situation in front of my camera. And I love what I’m doing which is an important aspect also.
I don’t believe that it is possible to create great work with a grumpy face and attitude though.
Who is your favourite artist?The list would be rather long as soon as I start to reflect on this questions. Of course a lot of painters – Paul Cézanne, Gerhard Richter, Jackson Pollock. A long list, I named only a few. Mainly I’m interested in painting for the way painters deal with light.
Other favourites are architects: Tadao Ando, Richard Meier, Calatrava, Zaha Hadid. Also only a few names which came first to my mind while reflecting on the question. There is a strong connection between space and light – and much to learn with a regard to composition of photographs.
And of course there are lots of photographers like Boubat, Doisneau, Koudelka and so many more. Some photographers became kind of inspiring friends within the years. I deeply enjoy the various possibilites of the internet: such a wonderful way to look for inspirations and knowledge. And to find both, to get in contact with inspiring artists and people.
All in all, it needs definitely more than only a few artists to be able to create an individual style in work, in photography or writing. I don’t think in categories of art, as I’m inspired by lots of different things, among them literature, writing, music as well.
One has to collect inspirations wherever it’s possible to find them. In some way, it is like laying a mosaique: All tiny pieces form the whole result, in terms of an artist’s personality as well as in terms of his or her individual style.
What is your favourite material to work with and why?
Life. Light. Reflection. Personal perceptions and observations. My photography results from these aspects. And all camera gear … is nothing more than just tools.
(At least a photographer should be at most familiar with his tools. You can’t focus on images when you have to think about focusing. It’s that simple.)
Could you live without making art?
Could you live without breathing?
Most of the time, I have a camera with me. If not, I’ll take my smartphone. Or write about perceptions and observations, which is also a great way to sharpen one’s view, to improve the own abilities to see behind the curtain.
Where can others find you on the web?
- My portfolio web site
- My blogzine
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Instagram
Feel free to contact me in case of interest, questions, bookings or else.
Cover drawing: Alexas Fotos, Pixabay
All photos ©

Dies ist mein persönliches Blog, auf dem ich alle meine vorherigen Websites zusammengefasst habe. Daher die buntegemischten Themen: Ich führe Bloggespräche und blogge über Persönliches, Digitales und Kulturelles. Ich liebe es, Menschen zu fotografieren und mich mit Kunst zu beschäftigen. Manchmal schreibe ich auch noch was anderes als Blogbeiträge. Für andere bin ich als Wegbegleiterin in Sachen Kommunikation aktiv. Vor allem bin ich aber eins: Ein Mensch!