Having visited the Bonn art museum today and having seen a lot of painted portraits I was so inspired that I couldn’t sit still. When our friends Mer & Joolz had been here recently I had made some portrait photos of them and one of Mer came to my mind that could be a good model for a painting:
So I did what I’ve only done once before: I painted a portrait. I’ve drawn quite a few portraits before but such a painting was new to me…
EDIT: What could not be seen well from the scan above is that the hair as well as the iris are painted with gold. Which leads to a change of appearance of the painting depending on the angle from which you look on it.
Here’s another photo from a different angle that illustrates this effect:

Dies ist mein persönliches Blog, auf dem ich alle meine vorherigen Websites zusammengefasst habe. Daher die buntegemischten Themen: Ich führe Bloggespräche und blogge über Persönliches, Digitales und Kulturelles. Ich liebe es, Menschen zu fotografieren und mich mit Kunst zu beschäftigen. Manchmal schreibe ich auch noch was anderes als Blogbeiträge. Für andere bin ich als Wegbegleiterin in Sachen Kommunikation aktiv. Vor allem bin ich aber eins: Ein Mensch!
4 Antworten auf „My (almost) first portrait painting“
I would have recognized her even if I hadn’t known who had painted it. It’s unbelievably good!
Aaawww thanks, Kelly! xxx
Wow! I feel honoured! thats amazing! 😀 …i think the painting has done me justice! I didn’t realize my eyes were that colour! you obviously got me on a green day! they sometimes change!
Thank you Nette! Lots of lovely lovely English things!
Well done! it looks fantastic! xxxxx
[…] der Serie der Bilder von Mer wurde später auch ein Gemälde, das inzwischen bei den beiden in England […]