Into the woods and the Jeremy days

When I heard that „Into the woods“ had been made a movie, I remembered the person who had introduced me to this musical about 25 years ago. His name was Jeremy from Bridgewater, New Jersey and he was an exchange student at my school in Speyer, Germany. He lived at my friend Christian’s house. He kept singing and quoting the muscial all the time and he said he wanted to become an actor. As life goes, we never heard from him again once he was back in the US… But we still wonder: Where is he today and what has become of him?


I also remember that at the time there was a band in Germany called „The Jeremy Days“. 🙂 Their song „Brand new toy“ was quite popular. So when the real Jeremy left, he got their LP (yes, that’s what we used at the time) from me and I got his tape of a Broadway recording of „Into the woods“ which I found again recently.

And for those who don’t know what all this „Into the woods“ thing is about: Here’s the movie trailer:

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