Another one of my very first artist interviews was the one with the US-American artist Barbara Bernard. As we are sill in contact and as I recently just acquired some of her artist cards to complete our picture gallery wall, I’ve asked her to give me an update too:
Ten years ago you have answered my artist questions on

When we met, over ten years ago, it was on Myspace (I think – or Furumania?). Today we chat on Instagram or even skype. How has your digital presence changed over time and does it make any difference to the good old Myspace times?
I have become much more focused in painting versus photography. My whole career was based in photography and Photography Education. When I left the teaching profession, I wasn’t sure how I would continue to focus my artists efforts. Certainly my digital presence is stronger now than 10 years ago – I credit that to being an early adopter of Instagram and evolving with it.

How does your digital presence help you as an artist in general?
Evolving my digital presence at a faster pace because Instagram has evolved, helps me as an artist, because I am part of a larger community now. I am connected to a network of people, that all though I may not know all in real life, some have been very supportive and that is a great help.

How do you think you have changed as a person in those ten years?
I am calmer, more focused, stronger at complimenting myself and giving myself person to just be me at my pace.

And how would you describe the way your art has evolved in this time?
I used to be very focused in photography and always looking for strong compositions and designs in the architectural and natural environment. Now I am still influenced by those, immensely, but I allow my self to paint them intuitively. I am extremely sensitive to the Pacific Northwest landscape the sea, mossy forests, and mountains are breathtaking. I am also impacted by the devastation our environs faces, from wildfire to the clearcutting of the city I reside in, Seattle. Many trees are being cut down by developers. There is no responsibility to design housing that will work within the footprint of the majestic large growth trees and instead, the trees are cut to allow space for buildings. This has been hard to witness.

If you could have given yourself from ten years ago an advice with the knowledge you have today, what would it be?
The future changes, don’t become to attached to plans because a small shift can cause great change. Instead- do your best and be present in the moment.

Anything you’d like to add?
Nette, you are kind and I have always appreciated your support. I am glad to have influenced you a bit to paint… I’ll always be an art educator at heart even when it’s not my profession.
Thank you so much for your answers, dear Barbara! I hope we’ll stay in touch for the next ten years and beyond that, too! <3
You can find Barbara on

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