Artists I like (10 years later): Johan P. Jonsson

Long before the big social media hype I spent much of my online time in forums and then on a…WeiterlesenArtists I like (10 years later): Johan P. Jonsson

Artists I like: Marcel Bernet

To my surprise my dear PR collegue from Switzerland Marcel Bernet is an artist too! So I asked him to…WeiterlesenArtists I like: Marcel Bernet

Artists I like: Johan P. Jonsson

Here comes another interview with an artist I like: Johan P. Jonsson from Sweden. Johan and I met a few…WeiterlesenArtists I like: Johan P. Jonsson

Artists I like: Antoine Josse

Being in contact with other artists all around the world through social media I decided to present a few of…WeiterlesenArtists I like: Antoine Josse

Creativity in three dimensions

As a belated birthday present we got „Paolo“, a box full of colored cardboard pieces and plastic connections. You can…WeiterlesenCreativity in three dimensions